Library Management
AnyStream manages your media library by scanning selected files, downloading metadata (posters, ratings, etc.), and analyzing media file contents (audio/video codecs, bitrate, etc.),
Naming your files
To understand your library while scanning, AnyStream requires folders and files to follow certain naming conventions and folder structures.
Basic Requirements
There are two common requirements for proper scanning of your media library that apply to all content:
Each type of content (TV Shows, Movies, etc.) are in their own directory.
/../videos/TV/ /../videos/Movies/
Media files are not located directly within the content directory, i.e.
only contain other directories.
Movie files must be contained within a folder that shares the file's name.
For example, AnyStream expects to find movies structure like:
/../Movies/The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1920)
/../Movies/The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1920)/The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1920).mp4
Note the first line is the folder with the <movie title> (<year>)
format, and the second line is the movie file with
a matching name and the video file extension.
TV Shows
TV Shows must have a directory with the show's title containing season folders which in turn contain individual episode video files.
For example, AnyStream expects to find tv shows structured like:
/../TV/Mister Rogers Neighborhood (1968)
/../TV/Mister Rogers Neighborhood (1968)/Season 01/S01E01 - Change The First Program.mp4
/../TV/Mister Rogers Neighborhood (1968)/Season 01/S01E02 - King Friday Challenges Change.mp4
Note each season has a folder with the Season <number>
format where the number optionally contains a leading zero.
Each episode is contained within it's respective season folder using the
S<season number>E<episode number> - <episode name>
format where the season and episode numbers contains optional
leading zeros.
Episode files may optionally use the <show name> - S00E00 - <episode title>
format but the directory structure must
still contain a parent show and season folder.